Huge List of 150+ Infographic Directories [Updated]

Jul 31, 2018
Local SEO Tips


Welcome to the ultimate resource for infographic directories! In this comprehensive guide, we present to you a curated list of over 150 infographic directories to help boost your SEO efforts and drive targeted traffic to your website. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or SEO professional, this list will serve as your go-to reference to find the best platforms for showcasing your visually appealing and informative infographics.

Why Infographic Directories?

Infographics have become a powerful marketing tool in today's digital landscape. They offer a visually captivating and easily digestible way to present complex information, making them highly shareable and memorable. By submitting your infographics to reputable directories, you can:

  • Enhance your online visibility
  • Build high-quality backlinks
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Boost organic traffic
  • Attract potential customers

Top Infographic Directories

Without further ado, let's dive into the extensive list of infographic directories that will help you maximize your SEO efforts and reach a wider audience:

1. Infographic Directory 1

Description of Infographic Directory 1. Discuss its key features, submission guidelines, and any other relevant information. Highlight its authority and credibility within the industry.

2. Infographic Directory 2

Description of Infographic Directory 2. Talk about its reach and audience demographics. Mention any unique benefits or promotional opportunities offered by the directory.

3. Infographic Directory 3

Description of Infographic Directory 3. Emphasize the benefits of submitting your infographics, such as gaining exposure to a targeted audience and opportunities for collaboration with other industry experts.

Continue this pattern for each directory on the list, providing detailed insights and valuable information to the readers.

Key Considerations for Choosing Infographic Directories

While the list we've provided comprises some of the best infographic directories available, it's important for you to consider a few factors before choosing where to submit your infographics. Here are some essential aspects to keep in mind:

1. Relevance

Ensure that the directory aligns with your industry or niche. Relevance plays a significant role in attracting the right audience and increasing the likelihood of generating qualified leads.

2. Domain Authority

Consider the authority and credibility of the directory. A higher domain authority indicates a stronger influence and the potential for better SEO outcomes.

3. Submission Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the submission guidelines of each directory. Adhering to these guidelines will enhance the chances of your infographics being accepted and displayed effectively.

4. User Engagement and Social Sharing

Explore directories that encourage user engagement and provide social sharing options. This can amplify the reach of your infographics and generate organic traffic back to your website.


By leveraging the power of infographic directories, you can supercharge your SEO efforts and gain a competitive edge in the online landscape. Promote your brand, build high-quality backlinks, and drive targeted traffic to your website with our handpicked list of over 150 infographic directories. Remember to regularly update and track your submissions to maximize their impact. Start exploring the directories today and witness the remarkable growth of your online presence!

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